Continuing Making Bits & Peices

 The last couple of weeks have been great for me. Doing work on my own boat is so enjoyable. Things I have achieved is finishing fibreglassing my rudder & daggerboards & get them up to undercoat stage. I laminated all of the the hardwood keel frames & compression posts , etc & also started making frames. I started with Frame E as it is the smallest , lofted out frame D & will get onto that tomorrow. My skeg popped off the mould quite nicely as well. I am trying to make all of the bits of the jigsaw before I actually set the frames up on the jig to put the boat together. Frames, stringers, rudder, dagger boards, galley unit , nav station & electrical cabinet, etc etc so when it comes time to actually build the boat all of those things will be sitting ready to go. All things going to plan the boat should go together quite quickly with the help of a few friends. :)   

Skeg plug & the job popped off easily

The last lamination vacuum bagged to the bottom section of the rudder

I decided to fibreglass the whole of the rudder. Even though it is not required. I just feel it is something that I want to be very strong. No chance of delaminating at the top over time. 



Laminated hardwood for keel support frames & compression posts

Laminated deck beam for Frame E 

Doing half laps on all frame joints. A bit of extra work but I think well worth it

Frame E ready to be glued up. 

Frame E Lofted & marking out for deck beam camber

